This blog from Japan is about some of the lovely creatures I've been lucky to encounter,
and about stuff unrelated, but interesting.

Hope you enjoy looking at the pics of some of my friends and reading a bit about them.
Not only animals, there's some nice people in the blog too!

About Me

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Enjoy your life with animals! (and.. if you're interested in language study:) Let's study English together (^-^)!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

O-kaasan is in love..

O-kaasan is quite interested in the relative newcomer in the
neighbourhood. She's been busy the last years, playing mother to all
the other cats, and no time or interest romantically in any other cat,
but THIS GUY, this guy peaked her interest! She's been very careful
not to approach too directly, the newcomer felt easily threatened and
was bullied by some of the male cats, always cowering and being chased
away. The biggest bully culprit was Boko, till about a few weeks ago,
when Friendly, as i call the new cat, suddenly came out from under the
neighbour's car, his safe haven, and charged at Boko. Guess he was
tired of being bullied. Boko didn't know what hit him, and since then,
the 3 male cats that gave Friendly a tough time have left him alone.
Friendly is also less stand-offish with the other cats, and even comes
up to the 2nd floor when he's hungry. O-kaasan, meanwhile, is taking a
shine to him, and carefully puts herself in a position close to him,
without looking directly too much.
Love is in the air, ta ta ta taa taa taa taa taaa("-")!

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