This blog from Japan is about some of the lovely creatures I've been lucky to encounter,
and about stuff unrelated, but interesting.

Hope you enjoy looking at the pics of some of my friends and reading a bit about them.
Not only animals, there's some nice people in the blog too!

About Me

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Enjoy your life with animals! (and.. if you're interested in language study:) Let's study English together (^-^)!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

After the operation...

Today i saw her for the first time after the operation, at the vet's place, where she goes for aftercare every day. She gained 1 kilo in the last week, and was rolling around on the examination table, purring with her belly up("-")! I was really, really happy to see she wasn't in any pain!! She's eating and drinking by herself now. The couple that's taking care of her made a room for her in their house. I hope they'll get so attached to her that looking for a foster parent won't be necessary. Some stray cats were never meant to be stray cats, they just can't handle it..

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