This blog from Japan is about some of the lovely creatures I've been lucky to encounter,
and about stuff unrelated, but interesting.

Hope you enjoy looking at the pics of some of my friends and reading a bit about them.
Not only animals, there's some nice people in the blog too!

About Me

My photo
Enjoy your life with animals! (and.. if you're interested in language study:) Let's study English together (^-^)!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

美華 ("-")!

Mei Hua, lovely 8-year-old female golden retriever from the neighbourhood!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kani, Aka, Boko, and Masamune..(^_^)!

August 6th, 2007

Here's a short clip of when Kani was still a kitten, she's the one close to the red-haired guy with his behind in the waterbowl, because it was a really hot day (^_^)... Boko is flat on the ground and the big black and white cat is Masamune, doing the Black Panther salute at the end of the clip!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Kani is a 3-year-old female that was one of a litter of three, brought to my doorstep a few weeks after they were born by their mother. Care-free childhood, till she was spayed. Never having had her own kids, her protect/fight instinct wasn't developed, and she began to be bullied by the other cats, to the point where she'd be around just sometimes. About half a year ago she stopped coming altogether, and i happened to see her being fed by a couple in the neighbourhood. I was happy she had a second "home". The only thing was that the couple already kept a cat, and so couldn't take her in. She slept outside, next to a factory. Three weeks ago the husband called me over, i went, and apparently Kani had tried to find a warm place to sleep, under a forklift, had crawled into the engine, and the operator had started it up, not knowing she was in there. Last thing he saw was her yelping, and running away with a trail of blood. She was gone for 10 days, and suddenly another call from the husband she'd returned!! I went over and when i saw her i almost got sick to my stomach, half her face was hanging on the side, the moving parts of the engine had caught her in the face. She was skinny, tired, and crying in pain. It looked like her right eye was also gone. I managed to get close enough to grab her, the husband got a cage and we took her to a nearby vet. He performed an operation, scraping out the infected parts, and sewing her back up as best as could be done. He worked through the night, he said.
The following pics are before and after the operation. Her right eye was intact, and she may be all right there!

Before the operation..

This is a pic of the screen on the wall of the vet's examination room, showing a chronological series of photos of Kani's condition. Unbelievable that she was in this condition somewhere alone for 10 days without food and water in the cold nights, probably in pain and shock, managed to survive, out of desperation go back to the place of horror, and get help. Thank god!

After the operation...

Today i saw her for the first time after the operation, at the vet's place, where she goes for aftercare every day. She gained 1 kilo in the last week, and was rolling around on the examination table, purring with her belly up("-")! I was really, really happy to see she wasn't in any pain!! She's eating and drinking by herself now. The couple that's taking care of her made a room for her in their house. I hope they'll get so attached to her that looking for a foster parent won't be necessary. Some stray cats were never meant to be stray cats, they just can't handle it..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cone prone ("-")!

Coney likes it hot, but today he was SOO comfy in front of the heater that he lay down, which is really rare..